Prepare to Teach an MBL Class
Requirements to become a teacher of this 1-day workshop
- Attend the 4-day workshop, titled Brain Gym® for Special Needs Providers, one time
- Attend the 1-day teacher-training workshop, titled Movement Based Learning Teacher Training
- Submit six case studies that demonstrate use of the Building Block Activities
- Sign a contract with Movement Based Learning, Inc. that states that you will abide by the intellectual property of the content of the 1-day workshop
- Receive license to teach the 1-day workshop, titled Movement Based Learning – The Building Block Activities
- License is good for two years
Initial License. This license has been obtained by attendance at a teacher training taught by Cecilia Koester, MEd, where demonstration of skills and knowledge of content about the Building Block Activities (BBA) was competently expressed. 5 case studies (4 + 1) were submitted to Cecilia Koester. A contract was signed and a license was granted.
Subsequent to initial licensing, the following requirements are mandated prior to re-licensure:
In order to maintain this license to teach using the BBAs the following is mandated and must be submitted within two years of the date of the initial license.
Option One:
- Attendance at Brain Gym® for Special Needs Providers (BG170) taught by either Cecilia Koester or one of the licensed teachers of BG170.
- Submittal of 6 + 1(individual) Case Studies which have been submitted via email. These Case Studies must be completed via video and must include the use of the BBAs. i.e. The licensee must demonstrate the use of the BBAs within private sessions or classroom. The submitted video can be recorded via a Smart Phone; however, all 7 Case Studies must be submitted via email within one single email.
Option Two:
- Submittal of evidence of teaching a minimum of two workshops, with at least 4 people in attendance, within the two-year time frame. Flyers, Class Rosters, and/or Workshop Evaluations are acceptable. This must be emailed to
- Submittal of 6 + 1 (individual) Case Studies which must be submitted via email. These Case Studies must be completed via video and must include the use of the BBAs. i.e. The licensee must demonstrate the use of the BBAs within private sessions or classroom. The submitted video can be recorded via a Smart Phone; however, all 7 Case Studies must be submitted via email within one single email.
In Summary
- Choose the option for renewal of licensure
- Submit the necessary paperwork
- Sign contract
- Movement Based Learning, Inc. will send, via email, a new license to teach the BBAs which will be valid for another two years.
And remember, Let us begin…. begin to make a difference in a child’s life.